Solution Challenge 2022 is Here !!

Solution Challenge 是 GDSC (Google Developer Student Clubs) 舉辦的年度競賽,邀請學生使用一個或多個Google產品或平台用技術解決問題。

Solution Challenge is an annual competition organized by GDSC (Google Developer Student Clubs), inviting students to use one or more Google products or platforms to solve problems with technology.

而今年的主題同樣是搭配 SDGs 聯合國永續發展目標,邀請大家利用自身所學,以及 Google 的各式開發技術,來促進至少1個永續發展目標!!

For the 2022 Solution Challenge, your mission is to create a project that contributes to solving one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals using Google technologies.

獲獎者能擁有豐富的獎金與禮品,甚至是 Googlers 直接的技術指導喔🔥

Winners will receive great swag boxes and cash prozes, and even have the opportunity to get the technical guidance from Googlers directly 🔥

Register Today →
Global Kick-Off Event
Brainstorming Ideas
Example Project
Join the 2022 Solution Challenge
Presented by Google Developer Student Clubs !