[推廣] Google Cloud 開發者技術培訓計畫 2022 TW/HK

Promote: Google Cloud Study Jam 2022 TW/HK

GDSC NDHU 祝福大家新年快樂、虎年行大運!

Happy Lunar New Year !!

新的一年,讓我們一起學習 Google Cloud Platform 的應用開發和基礎架構,一起成為GCP大師,並且獲得由 Google Developers 準備的 🎁精美禮品 吧! (而且完成後還可以獲得 Badge ,放進 LinkedIn 個人檔案喔~)

At the begining of the new "Year of Tiger", let’s learn app development and infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform together, and get some free swags (T-Shirt & Backpack of Google Cloud) !! (What’s more, the badges you gain in this study jam can be put into your LinkedIn profile !!)

  • TIER 1
    Google Cloud Pouch 精美毛氈收納包

    Complete 4+ Suggested Quests
  • TIER 2
    Google Cloud Pouch 精美毛氈收納包
    Google Cloud Wireless Charger 無線充電盤

    Complete 8+ Suggested Quests
  • 您可以在Google Cloud Skills Boost 上學習 GCP 而不必先付費。
  • Google Cloud Skills Boost 上有設計良好的課程、並且提供互動式的 hands-on lab,讓你在學習 GCP 時有最真實的體驗。
  • Cloud Study Jam 2022 TW/HK 提供您 30 天免費的Google Cloud Skills Boost 訂閱,您可以利用這個訂閱使用 Google Cloud Skills Boost 上所有的學習資源(也就是吃到飽的意思)。
  • 除了學習提升自己的技能之外,還能拿到很棒的贈品。
  • Get a 30-days FREE Google Cloud Skills Boost subscription to learn the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Learn online from home or anywhere you like.
  • Earn the Google Cloud skills badges, which enhace your CV and LinkedIn profile.
  • Get the cool swag pack (if you meet the eligibility).

Please refer to the event site for more info

活動網站 (正體中文) Event Site (English)


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