[推廣] Google Cloud 開發者技術培訓計畫 2022 TW/HK
GDSC NDHU 祝福大家新年快樂、虎年行大運!
Happy Lunar New Year !!
新的一年,讓我們一起學習 Google Cloud Platform 的應用開發和基礎架構,一起成為GCP大師,並且獲得由 Google Developers 準備的 🎁精美禮品 吧! (而且完成後還可以獲得 Badge ,放進 LinkedIn 個人檔案喔~)
At the begining of the new "Year of Tiger", let’s learn app development and infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform together, and get some free swags (T-Shirt & Backpack of Google Cloud) !! (What’s more, the badges you gain in this study jam can be put into your LinkedIn profile !!)
Google Cloud Pouch 精美毛氈收納包
Complete 4+ Suggested Quests -
Google Cloud Pouch 精美毛氈收納包
Google Cloud Wireless Charger 無線充電盤
Complete 8+ Suggested Quests
- 您可以在Google Cloud Skills Boost 上學習 GCP 而不必先付費。
- Google Cloud Skills Boost 上有設計良好的課程、並且提供互動式的 hands-on lab,讓你在學習 GCP 時有最真實的體驗。
- Cloud Study Jam 2022 TW/HK 提供您 30 天免費的Google Cloud Skills Boost 訂閱,您可以利用這個訂閱使用 Google Cloud Skills Boost 上所有的學習資源(也就是吃到飽的意思)。
- 除了學習提升自己的技能之外,還能拿到很棒的贈品。
- Get a 30-days FREE Google Cloud Skills Boost subscription to learn the Google Cloud Platform.
- Learn online from home or anywhere you like.
- Earn the Google Cloud skills badges, which enhace your CV and LinkedIn profile.
- Get the cool swag pack (if you meet the eligibility).
Please refer to the event site for more
活動網站 (正體中文)
Event Site (English)
GDSC 專屬報名表單
請從以下指定的 Google Cloud Skills Boost Quests 中,挑選主題課程並取得 Badge
- Create and Manage Cloud Resources
- Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud
- Deploy and Manage Cloud Environments with Google Cloud
- Cloud Architecture: Design, Implement, and Manage
- Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud
- Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud
- Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud
- Build a Website on Google Cloud
- Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform
- Implement DevOps in Google Cloud
- Secure Workloads in Google Kubernetes Engine
- Monitor and Log with Google Cloud Operations Suite
- Optimize Costs for Google Kubernetes Engine
- Migrate MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service
- Service Serverless Cloud Run Development
- Ensure Access & Identity in Google Cloud
- Cloud Architecture
- Networking in Google Cloud
- DevOps Essentials
- VM Migration
- Migrating MySQL data to Cloud SQL using Database Migration Service
- Anthos Service Mesh
- Understanding Your Google Cloud Costs
- Network Performance and Optimization