[協助推廣] Google Crowdsource 種子培育計畫 2021
ADS: Google Crowdsource Seeds Program 2021
▲ 有意參與的同學,歡迎使用我們上方的專屬報名表!
▲ If you are interested about this program, welcome to use our exclusive registration form above!
Crowdsource 種子培育計畫為期六個月(二月到七月),Google
About Seeds Program
Crowdsource Seeds is a 6-month long program (Feb - July) where selected
applicants will receive training provided by Crowdsource by Google on topics
including Machine Learning, Google product design, technology career
planning and other training courses, as well as gain in-depth understanding
of Crowdsource app. They will have the opportunity to communicate with
Google’s internal professionals too. it's also a great opportunity for them
to build their personal brand, hone their communication and leadership
skills, and sharpen their technical knowledge by understanding the basics of
ML/AI. To register for this program, fill out
this form before 31 January,
Register Form
Learn More
▲ 有意參與的同學,歡迎使用我們上方的專屬報名表!
▲ If you are interested about this program, welcome to use our exclusive registration form above!
Crowdsource by Google
Crowdsource by Google 是一款由 Google 開發的
App,讓各年齡層的使用者都能藉由遊戲化的小任務提升多項 Google
免費提供的應用程式之服務品質,如 Google 地圖、Google 相簿及 Google
Crowdsource App 的各項任務不但能夠貢獻機器學習資源,提升 Google 產品在台灣在地化服務品質,同時也是未來決定全球人工智慧模型的重要依據。
Crowdsource App 的各項任務不但能夠貢獻機器學習資源,提升 Google 產品在台灣在地化服務品質,同時也是未來決定全球人工智慧模型的重要依據。
Crowdsource is a fun, easy way for you to use your own abilities to
contribute to the building blocks of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This
helps us make the Google products that you love even better for your
language, region and culture. Answers from you and millions of others
around the world are used in Machine Learning based products, making
them work well for the diversity of global population.
Crowdsource - Web Version
Crowdsource - Android Version