[協助推廣] Google Taiwan 2021 校園徵才

ADS: Google Taiwan 2021 Campus Recruitment

Google Taiwan 2021 校園徵才
Google Taiwan 2021 Campus Recruitment
Google Taiwan is hiring for several opportunities full-time and intern positions, visit other tabs for more details.
Please fill in the sign-up form to receive more information in regards to campus recruitment and student programs. 
Google Taiwan 2021 校園招募線上直播
歡迎對 Google 感興趣,想了解工作內容和公司文化的同學們報名參加!
Google Taiwan Campus Recruitment Live Stream
Wondering what it's like to work in Google Taiwan? We invited some Googlers from different teams and backgrounds to share their career and life, briefly talk about our campus recruitment opportunities for 2021 and take live questions at the end of the session. Don't miss out!

Google Taiwan 2021 校園徵才 YouTube Live 線上重播

Google Taiwan 軟體工程校園徵才三部曲

Google Taiwan Introduction & Resume Preparation
Life as a Software Engineer
Life as Hardware Intern

About Google Taiwan

Google台灣於2006年成立辦公室,目前已在6個城市設有辦公據點;台灣是 Google 在亞洲最大的研發基地之一,並且擁有一座 Google全球資料中心;我們的員工來自多元背景,在台灣的營運規模也持續擴大中。Google 期許能整合AI與軟硬體技術、帶來最優質的全球產品體驗,而台灣的人才是幫助我們實現這項目標不可或缺的要素。除了優質的人才,台灣在OEM / SoC產業鏈的優勢與 Google 的緊密合作關係,也讓台灣成為Google持續拓展的研發樞紐。
Google opened its first office in Taiwan in 2006. Today, we have operations in Taiwan across 6 cities. Google Taiwan is one of the largest engineering sites in APAC, as well as a home of one of our global data centers. We have employees from diverse backgrounds, and our scale continues to grow. Taiwanese talent is indispensable to Google’s goal of bringing together the best AI, software, and hardware to offer the best Google experience to everyone in the world. With its strong talent pool and strategic proximity to our OEM/SoC partners in the region, and Taiwan has become an evolving engineering hub for Google.