DSC NDHU 核心成員招募中 (2020冬季)

Application for DSC NDHU Core Team Members is Open (Winter 2020)


Application for DSC NDHU Core Team Members is OPEN ~~

DSC NDHU 是由 Google Developers 所支援的學生開發者社群,我們將透過 Google 所提供的第一手技術學習資源,舉辦各種技術主題之工作坊、講座、專案製作...等。

DSC NDHU is a commmunity program called Developer Student Clubs presented by Google Developers.  We will hold many events such as the workshops, tech talks, solution challenges, ... and so on.

然而籌備活動需要各領域、專長的人共同合作,因此不論您是對於程式設計、美術編輯、活動規劃、貼文撰寫等具有興趣或是擅長,皆期望您能加入 DSC NDHU 與我們一起在東華扎根學生開發者社群計畫!!!

However, every event needs the cooperation of people with diversity skills and backgrounds.  Therefore, no matter you're good at programming, arts design, event hosting, or even post writing, we strongly expect for your join.  Hope you can grow with us, the DSC NDHU, in your precious college lifes~


No more hesitating, JOIN US !!!

Application  Form